Expected primary-expression before   token

Expected primary-expression before token

Expected primary-expression before token

compilation errors

The program is not complete, but what I want to do is to go through each client of the structure to see if the account that it puts as input exists. The data of the clients are already registered (they must be already registered), it only has to put the account, but it appears to me:
Where is the if inside the for, what I want that it does is to know if it is equal to some of the accounts of the clients and to put a 1 in the n if not a 0, but I do not know what primary expression I have to put or to remove. I repeat, the program is not finished because with this error I can not continue.
I have corrected the code. You had an error at the time of defining the structure and later initialization of the data. To be correct, you have to declare the structure and then create an array of that structure with the data.
Also, I know you said that the program was not finished, but don’t forget to declare the methods «de()» and «tr()», even if they are empty, you name them in the switch, so if you don’t define them you get a compilation error.

Expected primary-expression before token 2022

The program is not complete, but what I want to do is to go through each client of the structure to see if the account that it puts as input exists. The data of the clients are already registered (they must be already registered), it only has to put the account, but it appears to me:
Where is the if inside the for, what I want that it does is to know if it is equal to some of the accounts of the clients and to put a 1 in the n if not a 0, but I do not know what primary expression I have to put or to remove. I repeat, the program is not finished because with this error I can not continue.
I have corrected the code. You had an error at the time of defining the structure and later initialization of the data. To be correct, you have to declare the structure and then create an array of that structure with the data.
Also, I know you said that the program was not finished, but don’t forget to declare the methods «de()» and «tr()», even if they are empty, you name them in the switch, so if you don’t define them you get a compilation error.

Expected primary-expression before token del momento

Mahesh Rajput In your Contract code after the correct returns for return there are many errors. Just refer to this code to see the changes where you face an error in your code and you can ask questions about any changes in a comment if you do not receive them. pragma solidity > 0.4 . 99 < 0.6 . 0 ; contract Election {
uint vote ; } address public owner ; string public electionName ; mapping ( address => Voter ) public voters ; Candidate [] public candidates ; uint public totalVotes ; modifier ownerOnly modifier (){
require ( voters [ msg . sender ]. authorized ); voters [ msg . sender ]. vote = _voteIndex ; voters [ msg . sender ]. voted = true ; candidates [ _voteIndex ]. voteCount += 1 ; totalVotes += 1 ; } function end () ownerOnly public { selfdestruct ( msg . sender ); }
} Abbas I changed the returns to return and now I got two errors: function choice (string _name) public {owner = msg.sender; choiceName = _name; } function addCanditate (string _name) ownerOnly public {candidates.push (Candidate (_name, 0)); } in functions tese Alaska Update question with new errors.

Expected primary-expression before token en línea

Error establishing a connection to the server. The cause of the SQL Server connection problem may be that SQL Server does not allow remote connections in its default configuration (provider: Named Pipeline Provider; error: 40 – Could not open connection to SQL Server) (SqlClient .Net Data Provider).
Error establishing a connection to the server. The cause of the SQL Server connection problem may be that SQL Server does not allow remote connections in its default configuration (provider: Named pipe provider; error: 40 – Could not open connection to SQL Server) (.Net SqlClient data provider).
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