Expected primary-expression before
poisson distribution | example 2
The program is not complete, but what I want to do is to go through each client of the structure to see if the account that it puts as input exists. The data of the clients are already registered (they must be already registered), it only has to put the account, but it appears to me:
Where is the if inside the for, what I want that it does is to know if it is equal to some of the accounts of the clients and to put a 1 in the n if not a 0, but I do not know what primary expression I have to put or to remove. I repeat, the program is not finished because with this error I can not continue.
I have corrected the code. You had an error at the time of defining the structure and later initialization of the data. To be correct, you have to declare the structure and then create an array of that structure with the data.
Also, I know you said that the program was not finished, but don’t forget to declare the methods «de()» and «tr()», even if they are empty, you name them in the switch, so if you don’t define them you get a compilation error.
a long awaited visit
The program is not complete, but what I want to do is to go through each client of the structure to see if the account that it puts as input exists. The data of the clients are already registered (they must be already registered), it only has to put the account, but it appears to me:
Where is the if inside the for, what I want that it does is to know if it is equal to some of the accounts of the clients and to put a 1 in the n if not a 0, but I do not know what primary expression I have to put or to remove. I repeat, the program is not finished because with this error I can not continue.
I have corrected the code. You had an error at the time of defining the structure and later initialization of the data. To be correct, you have to declare the structure and then create an array of that structure with the data.
Also, I know you said that the program was not finished, but don’t forget to declare the methods «de()» and «tr()», even if they are empty, you name them in the switch, so if you don’t define them you get a compilation error.
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Primary expressions are the building blocks of more complex expressions. They can be literals, names, and names qualified by the scope resolution operator ( :: ). A primary expression can have any of the following forms:
The this keyword is a pointer to a class object. It is available inside non-static member functions. It points to the instance of the class for which the function was invoked. The this keyword cannot be used outside the body of a class member function.
The type of the pointer is (where is the class name) within functions that do not modify this type * const type specifically the this pointer. The following example shows the member function declarations and the types of this :
The scope resolution operator ( :: ) followed by a name is a leading expression. Such names must be names in the global scope, not member names. The type of the expression is determined by the name declaration. It is an L-value (that is, it may appear on the left side of an assignment expression) if the name declaring it is an L-value. The scope resolution operator allows a global name to be referenced, even if that name is hidden in the current scope. See Scope for an example of how to use the scope resolution operator.
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Medicina de Familia – SEMERGEN seeks to identify questions about primary health care and the provision of high-quality patient- and/or community-centered care. We publish original research, methodologies and theories, as well as selected systematic reviews that build on current knowledge to advance new theories, methods or lines of research.
Medicina de Familia – SEMERGEN is a peer-reviewed journal that has adopted clear and rigorous ethical guidelines in its publication policy following the guidelines of the Publication Ethics Committee and seeks to identify and answer questions about primary health care and the provision of high quality patient- and community-centered care.