Master big data y data science ucm

Master big data y data science ucm

Master big data y data science ucm

Master data science madrid

Big data literally means large volume of data, although in this case «large volume» is just a euphemism because in practice the term falls really short to quantify the amount of data that is generated, which has led to new challenges both analytical, organization, collection, storage, transmission, among others, thus creating a new field of work that literally grows in quantity with the data and also in quality because they are still discovering applications for this science.

It is true that there are many practical masters, especially if we talk about big data, but that are so related to an important company, that offer such a deep interaction with the professional field and that along the way cover the most current tools of the area along with a solid theoretical knowledge, the truth is that they are scarce.

It is a training master suitable for all those who have a background in statistics, management or entrepreneurial business. As well as to all those people who want to venture into this fascinating subject as they may or may not have university degrees.

Big data master ucm

An idea to keep in mind is the economic concept called «opportunity cost». Applied to this case, a master’s degree costs a lot of time and money that we can spend in other more productive ways.

From a learning point of view, I think you can learn a lot more by working as a data scientist or learning on your own than with any master’s degree in data science or Big Data. There are numerous online courses, websites and books where you can learn much more than with any master’s degree. However, it is true that there are masters that give a great depth of knowledge and guidelines to learn quite good. There are masters with which you can learn a lot and learn well.

Another of the reasons that can make it interesting to study a master’s degree is the differentiating element with other profiles. This is undoubtedly a very important fact. For someone without work experience as a data scientist, having a master’s degree can be a differential element compared to people without a master’s degree.

Master big data spain

General informationFrom the classroom to the companyAt the end of the Master, the student is prepared to face any business mission in data intelligence, which gives his professional profile high employability.Big Data professionals are recurrently included in each edition of the annual report of Spring Data ‘Most Wanted’ of the human resources consulting firm Adecco, which identifies the most demanded and best paid professionals with high education. Career opportunities- Data Analyst- Big Data Systems Auditor- Business Intelligence Architect- Big Data Developer- eComerce Data Analyst- Digital Transformation for Companies- Data Steward- Data Artist- Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Ucm big data analytics

The Master in Data Science in Madrid is designed for all those people who want to be trained in the field of Big Data, data visualization, programming… but do not necessarily have a technical background.

How to use and model structured storage NoSQL databases. Different NoSQL models, what they are for and when to use them. Installation and operation of Mongo DB models; the Find and its functions; projection of fields in results; and CRUD operations.

Preparation of the student’s analytical skills and abilities to perform in a business environment. Advanced analytics and data visualization as the main functions of this module.

The student will be able to acquire a panoramic vision of HDFS, its architecture and its use through command line. It is the fundamental storage system in the Big Data world today, so it is essential that the student knows and experiences its operation.

Introduction to machine learning techniques, an area that represents a great opportunity to manage, automate and enrich data intelligence. Learning about decision trees, random forests, KNN algorithm, neural networks and deep learning.

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