2.8 tft lcd touch shield module for arduino

2.8 tft lcd touch shield module for arduino

2.8 tft lcd touch shield module for arduino

2.8 tft lcd touch shield module for arduino en línea

guide to use tft display on arduino

This LCD module can come with different driver chips (9320, 9325, 9341, etc.), for which you will be forced to use different libraries, this tutorial focuses on the screens with chips 9320, 9325 and 9341.

TFTLCD Library: This library includes drivers for several displays with different chips (ILI9320, ILI9341, etc), so we must select the correct chip in the sketch code to be able to display text, graphics and images on our LCD display.    Downloading the library.

The shield includes on the screen a 4-wire resistive touch panel that will allow us to obtain the X and Y coordinates where we press on the screen, and therefore, to perform actions ranging from drawing buttons on our LCD that when pressed on them perform a certain action to paint on our LCD as if it were a «digital drawing board». The touch panel is resistive and works by measuring the resistance at the point x,y that has been touched.

// For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it// For the one we’re using, its 300 ohms across the X plateTouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XM, YM, XP, YP, 400);TSPoint tp;

2.8 inch tft lcd tft touch screen module

I have always said that every project, no matter how simple or complex, should have a screen, and if that screen is a 2.4″ LCD TFT, touch screen, with MicroSD card reader and above, in Shield format for Arduino UNO, we are facing a product with infinite possibilities.

To use all the functions of the shield, we need several libraries with some code modifications that I had to make them to use the shield, so do not have the official examples that bring the default libraries, but some examples that I have prepared to put into operation the TFT shield:

– Adafruit_TFTLCD library: This is the original Adafruit_TFTLCD library, which includes drivers for several displays with different chips (ILI9325, ILI9341,HX8347G, HX8357) , so we must select the correct chip in the sketch code to be able to display text, graphics and images on our LCD screen.

It is very important to download ALL the libraries and place them correctly in the libraries folder of the Arduino IDE (Arduino>Libraries), if all the libraries are not present and well placed, the TFT LCD shield will not work.

most popular lcd modules for arduino

TFT shields are touch-sensitive LCD screens for displaying images and creating user interfaces, with more or less complex graphics, to drive Arduino microcontrollers. In this tutorial, we use Kuman’s 3.5″ TFT shield (very close to the 2.8″ one) but this tutorial can be applied to other shields or LCD modules. Carefully check the pins used and the library compatibility.

The TFT shield is equipped with an LCD touch screen that allows to display color images and create interfaces with curves and buttons to interact and view data from the Arduino. It is also equipped with a micro SD card reader that can be used to store images or other data.

To use the TftScreen object, we use the libraries SD.h, Adafruit_GFX.h, MCUFRIEND_kbv.h, et TouchScreen.h that allow to manage the communication with the SD card, the creation of graphics, the management of the screen and the touch screen. This example provides a very simple management of the screen.

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